Thursday, November 14, 2002

i'm utterly perturbed. it's cold outside, meaning that the water is just as cold. it's beautiful weather, but i don't really want a full all-out body jolt. i think i'll just take a walk or something generic like that. or play catch with the dog. or all three dogs. or something. life is grand. yes, it is. mmm. liverpool is out of the champions league. it might not mean much to most people, but it means a lot to me, liverpool represents england as it is...anfield's finest are a team for all people. not just for the uppity like man utd. or arsenal [sorry, whoever's reading this who love either]...liverpool is for all. which is quite strange, seeing how it doesn't exactly represent [sic]'s best interest. no matter. i'm just typing too much again. mmmph. don't my fingers grow tired? what do i know about diamonds...? i'm just a boxing promoter...and again, what do i know about diamonds? don't they come from antwerp? uh. sorry...brain went crazy for a moment. that came from snatch [screen gems, 2000]. beautiful movie. horror of all horrors, it's also the only guy ritchie film i've ever seen.


i can't sleep because my eyes are still open. that's what i used to tell my father. i should've said something like "i can't sleep because i can't shut my eyes". mmm. this could be terminal. nah. even i don't have it that bad. i refuse to sleep. i believe that sleep makes you waste away the hours when you could be doing something, no matter what time it is. you know what they say? about how people spend half their lives sleeping? i want to cut down my accumulated probable slumber time to a quarter of my life. life isn't about is about living. life is not to fear; life is to enjoy. that was written by stephen jenkins. third eye blind's new album was meant to come out this year. the buggers. i've been waiting ages for it. they're good, too. one reason why i'll never truly be fully integrated into [sic] is probably due to my tastes in music. i just like it all. it's like sampling all the 31 flavours in a baskin robins and getting nowhere. you love them all. i call it eclectism. i don't want to know what others call it. but from what i've gathered, i like u2, 3eb, bon jovi...a strange combination. shut up. i used to be a michael jackson fan. i still am, in a way. the same goes to britney and timberlake. they're performers...all-round artistes. they entertain people. they're stars in their own right. anyone who can hold an audience by the reins and just heighten expectations and meet them...are just amazing. every boy, at least once, dreams of being a popstar/rock icon/astronaut/cowboy/racing driver...kinda sad how we all become disappointed...but disappointment can always be a positive fuel.

~always look on the bright side of life~ - monty python

okay. enough for now. my eyes are dry. exposed. overexposed. sensitive. i have beautiful eyes. yes, i do.


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