i've just come back from spicy kitchen [which still is a lame name, no matter how you look at it], and i was watching wrestlemania over the projector. looking at it, i love wrestling whenever i've got the opportunity to watch it...as long as it's the wwe/f. being weaned on the undertaker, hogan, michaels, hart, it's just surprising that not a lot of people here share my enthusiasm for it. it's sports entertainment; you don't have to take it seriously. what i always thought about is how these dudes go out there to pretend to pummel the crap out of each other for the fans. and it's true...they really are commited to putting on a good show.
i know that not a lot of people respect them for what they're doing, amidst the usual comment on how wrestling is fake, but, friend...we know it's fake. it doesn't mean that we can't enjoy it any less. lighten up. don't take things so seriously...there's no point being uptight over wrestling. call it juvenile, but it's still around; a raw or smackdown show is just one big rock concert. only that you have it on very regular occasions. the pomp and the explosions. it's all good fun.
i sound defensive now, don't i? but for those of you who breed upon sophistication and culture, chardonay and coffee bars, i've never commented on your bourgeois lifestyles. oh. i just did. imagine that.
i guess i'm a chink redneck.
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