Tuesday, February 28, 2006

you make me wanna la-la.

petrol prices are up by 30 sen; luckily, i filled up whatever i could yesterday into the landeater, but i fear the next top-up.

the economy's going bullish, but only for the bulls. people are still unemployed, and i fear that my own prospects are slowly going down the drain every day.

i can't really live off my affluent girlfriend all my life, and it'd be even harder to do so if we get married. the embarrassment. the horror. she's married to a deadbeat slacker who can't hold a job down.

luckily, i don't believe in marriage all that much.

but seriously speaking, the world's getting wonkier every day. the weather's been burning these last few days after a period of hard rain. can't God make up His mind? is the monsoon truly over? can i really go out and play basketball on a daily basis and resume losing weight?

i suppose this is the part where the Almighty gives me a smile and a knowing wink.

somewhere, one of my neighbours is whipping something up with cooking oil. it smells good.


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