Wednesday, July 19, 2006

win some, lose some.

may ann left for sydney this morning. there goes my only source of debauchery. it was a fun three weeks...on a whole, it's been a good two months, including the work needed for the ball. the last few weeks have been what i've needed...sometimes we're we can't help but wish that we could relive certain periods...the last month has been good to me because i've done nothing at all and failed to achieve any goals that i might've set beforehand (like reading comics and finishing up on Lost). yes, well.

i've warned myself that these peculiar long-distance relationships don't work. i really don't know. three weeks is an awfully bad solution to a few months' worth of repressed hormonal sweeps. it's not just the physical aspect of it; i really do need someone there all the time for me. we've heard of clingy girlfriends --- i'm the boyfriend from hell. it'd be a lot easier if she was in kl. at least a dinner date would be a drive away as opposed to a 6 month wait. funnily enough, i've taken may ann for granted so many times that i don't really feel the emotional drought of her leaving as much as i should.

i'm evil.

i'm mean.

since we've established that, it's on to other things, then.

after years of never getting around to it, i downloaded the New Radicals' maybe you've been brainwashed, too. if you're a child of the 90s, you'd remember their hits (to be fair, the New Radicals were really one man) you get what you give and someday we'll know. the former song took a dig at corporate america and highlighted the disillusionment of the youth, whilst the latter song was just beautiful. really. the first time i'd heard the album was in the masterful surprise's red satria, on cassette. the first track came on...mother we can't get enough. stellar. granted, it was the only non-single i'd heard, but it was fantastic. good enough to make me want to grab the album.

six/seven years later...and i can safely say that it's 30% good and 70% rubbish. a real letdown of sorts, judging from the fact that the man behind it all has produced brilliant material from Ronan Keating (life is a rollercoaster, which really was a killer pop song --- i'm ashamed to say it, but i have his first album) to Texas. ah, well, you can't win it all.

especially when it comes to cell phones.

the 3310 is dead. it's been serving me faithfully for what feels like an eternity. it's survived being dropped from a car, daily dosages of table dropping, table smashes and public invincibility tests in the presence of friends. the irony, then, that i've got to dispose of it coz it won't read my sim card anymore. the sim card's gone loose, and the tiny plastic piece holding it steady can't do its job anymore. not to mention that the metal sim guard was broken years ago in a game of football.

how the mighty have fallen.

i might not be reachable these next few days aside from being online. there're no spare units at home so i've got to make do without a phone. bugger. i honestly thought that the phone would outlive me. it probably could.

you can't fight inevitability. death is one thing you can't run from.

college is another. (well, you could, but it wouldn't be a smart thing to do.)

relationship marketing and advanced business statistics.


that wily mr. chew and the exuberant dr. ben.


jesus, joe and mary...the fun never stops when it comes to me, does it?

i suppose that i'm going to have to value this last week of holidays the best that i can.

it's time to find that Ronan cd.


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