Wednesday, May 21, 2003

as people, we value the choices that we make, the choices that've been made, and the choices that we're going to make. we have the freedom of choice; we do what we want, when we want to. without that freedom, we'd probably feel oppressed, caged, cheated...we'd feel like frauds. the question that arises sometimes is whether or not the choices we make are the ones that we suppose are made under our own free will. if you believe in life being preordained, in that everything has to be in its own right place and time, you'd just be thinking that all you're doing is just fulfilling your role in the masterplan, going through the paces. however, if you value your choice, and if you don't totally believe in fate, you might think that whatever you're doing is...well, whatever you're doing. if you're one of the latter, what if it all falls apart one day? what if you found out that everything has been planned for you...and that you've been navigating through the exact same course requested from you? and if you're one of the former, what would happen if you found out one day that there is no fate...that your life has been in your hands all along, and that all the choices that you felt were wrong but allowable were ultimately, wrong...and that you have no one else to blame for all your problems except for yourself? terrifying, isn't it?

people have their own existential crises. they always arise.

"what is real?"

"what is time?"

"what is choice?"

have i been thinking of the matrix a bit too much? probably. but you can't deny just asks the same questions that've been plauging your head every now and then.

is your life really yours? are you in control?

and how are you supposed to know?


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