Sunday, September 05, 2004

just shoot me. again.

my, my, my. to reinforce the idea that weekends are for non-productivity, i can readily admit that i've spent the last 2 days in bed. the sore throat reached a very painful level, yesterday, and i thought the best way way to counter it was not to use my throat. and the best way to do so, it seemed, was to knock myself out cold. i'm not sure how well it worked, but it hurt like hell. the bright side was, i woke up after ages of sleep today, and realized that the pain was subdued. as i'm writing this, i've just woken up to a nice long nap, and the pain is almost gone...though i shouldn't be so quick to say anything yet.

it's just that with the assignment deadline coming up, plus the council needing a website badly, i really should've done more for these last few days. but all i want to do is sleep. and then some.

aren't weekends supposed to encourage counter-productivity? if that's so, why do i feel so dirty? i haven't even gone out for the evening or even to the mall. i've just been at home. asleep.

well. i've still got the rest of sunday evening to get things done.

yea, right.


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