Sunday, September 26, 2004

silver and sore.

well. i've never won a medal for anything in my life, so lo and behold, the first [and most likely, only] sports medal that i've won...a silver, no less...had to come from netball. though, to give it credit, it was more like a game of wet touch rugby, with catfights. we were at the st. john's institute yesterday, and of all things, netball was played on their football pitch. it was all good and fine for the first part of it, but when the rain came down, the fun started. mud and guts everywhere, as helen [and most of the girls on the team] were bruised and beaten. and catfights, mind you. okay, a little pushing and shoving, but we, the men, were hoping for a mudfight. really. in the end, all was good, and we won the silver. despite a) still being blur over our positions b) still being blur over the rules. even the referee liked us. for some strange reason, we entered as the underdogs and were fortunate enough to get the most out of it.

yes, i'm quite pleased with myself. even if i didn't do anything useful.

the coconut dance on friday night was telling. it was so good that the international students' club wanted us for their upcoming event. ugh. as if throwing away all dignity wasn't good enough. though, again, i'm quite pleased, because, despite our short performance, it was the life of the party. though seeing three guys dressed in coconut bras and long-leaf skirts isn't exactly a sight for sore eyes. and those bras hurt. they most certainly did. ugh. on the bright side, at least we had free food. joy.

what a great weekend. honestly. now i just want to stay in bed for a week.


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