i went down to midvalley yesterday to meet up with
sophia and
monisha, two girls i haven't seen since the college icon final in september. we caught
fun with dick and jane, and it was quite a hoot for a jim carrey movie. i'm as big a fan of jim carrey as the next person, but there's a certain senselessness attached to most of his flicks (with the exception of
the truman show). he'll always,
always, be
ace ventura to me. tea leoni was tea leoni, and i've loved her since
the naked truth was shown on the tube. i never realized that alec baldwin was in the movie, and he's quite prominent in it...he rocks (i caught
the shadow a week ago on dvd and remembered how campy and good it was).
i mean, which baldwin would you be? alec, stephen, william, or...um...the fat one? (please keep in mind that
adam baldwin isn't really a baldwin brother).
we also managed to play some pool at the all-star cafe yesterday where i was humbled. then again, i never really played pool. leave it to the women to soundly defeat me. i am a pale shadow of a man.
ramon left on monday morning. may ann leaves on the upcoming monday. mondays are sad and blue for a wide variety of reasons. yah. mondays. bad.
may ann leaving really does open up a whole can of worms. i'm not sure how long i can stay with her before i realize that she's a continent away and might not be coming back after her return trip in november. the futility of it all
is getting to me. i'm not much of a long-distance person. or maybe i'm just looking for excuses for myself to bail? i'm a heartless prick, and for that reason alone, i'm trying my best to keep it going. to prove myself wrong, i suppose. then again, this year is going to be a year of (attempts in) proving myself wrong.
anyhow, whilst playing basketball yesterday evening, kah chong unintentionally stepped on my toe and...i'm not sure what the term is...caused a split within the toenail. the little bugger (who's taller than me, though). my right ring finger is also sore from having my right fingers being bent from an
uberpass. i really should be wearing shoes, but these injuries are justfiying my otherwise non-existent existence. it's like........
fight club.
gotta roll with the punches.
speaking of punches...i managed to admit i had a girlfriend to the girls yesterday as opposed to my usual avoidance of the topic when asked (or the occasional flat-out lie). not to worry. one of them already has a boyfriend and the other one prefers to pass on complications for now.
the naked truth? i'd probably go out with one of them (i'm not saying which one) if may ann wasn't in the picture. i mean, i'm charming and shit. i'm fluent in english without being anal about it. and i have nice hair. though i'm very fat. and liberal...to an extent. i'm the
perfect alpha male. youse all better watch ouuuuuut.
naked naked truth? i'd try my best not to make may ann leave me...um, for now. maybe it's out of some perverse obligation i have, but she's been there for me all this time and it'd be quite unfair
not to be gentlemanly about it. and besides, there's no one else i know who'd swear openly in public as much as her and i. it's a match made in hicksville. and she really
does have a great body (the face could use some work --- my apologies if you're reading this, babe, but you can insert some sorta cheeky emoticon or whatever here).
yeah. life's been good to me thus far.