Sunday, September 03, 2006

oh, pedro.

i've been tagged by khai lun. 6 random facts about myself. uh.
  1. my wall-mask, pedro, has given me beautiful dreams for the last 4 years.
  2. for a fat guy, i can run pretty fast.
  3. my father was a diplomat.
  4. i think in english fluently (with an accent!) but i hide behind a wall of manglish as a facade. [as a note, #s 3 and 4 are the only 2 things i have in common with khairy jamaluddin. i've never tried hitting on the prime minister's daughter before].
  5. although i despise taiwanese women for personal reasons, i love them for personal reasons as well.
  6. i can break into a falsetto straight after a manly growl, just like chris cornell.
there we go.

i tag...uh:
  1. lynn
  2. the masterful surprise
  3. theo
  4. lisa
  5. lezel
  6. and as an experiment of sorts, sabrina.


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