once again...again.

anyway, here's something that i didn't realize until 2 days ago...the successful detonation of a bomb in counter-strike (at least in condition zero) will add three frags to the bomber's tally. nifty. but that's information most of you would've already known. or wouldn't bother knowing.
when i die, i want to come back as a dog. a loyal, sturdy canine, who's brought into a good home, and who gets fed everyday and gets bathed twice a week. i'd want to be a golden retriever.
it's a pity that animals are only programs in the matrix. they can't really plug in the real things since most of the world's animals are already dead, save that monkey in matriculated, which also died in the end. but, if you could get plugged back into the matrix as an animal, what animal would it be?
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