Some may boast to be living lightning bolts; Billy Bolt is nothing
but. With enough panic attacks, insecurities and neuroses to bowl over any normal man, Billy spends more time battling his issues than he does battling the villains. Will he ever overcome his shortcomings before they shock him to death? Billy Bolt is...the Perplexed Lightning Man!

Morty was a Leporidae researcher, until that fateful day where a stray lightning bolt struck shelves of chemicals. The chemicals fell onto a nearby hare (caged for scientific research) who then died as a result; however, the essence of the rabbit fused with the chemicals, which in turn were inhaled by Morty. Changing his appearance to that of a thumper, and unleashing his inner homicidal tendencies, Morty is now the Rabbit: Assassin for Hire!
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