Sunday, January 12, 2003

malaysian drivers wouldn't know generousity even if it hit them in the face. this is the perfect example: i'm driving on the right lane, and someone from the middle lane signals and wants to cut in. i slow down, and offer him some room...only he hesitates. and i wait...and wait...and in the end, just as i'm about to accelerate, he moves in. this has happened more than once. it makes you wonder if we're all so selfish that we don't really comprehend what being nice is. this is only on the road, of course. we all could be saints on our feet, but on wheels, we're the devil reincarnate. but it's all good. i never realized how jammed up the federal highway could be until today. i was going to subang to meet hannah for a cuppa but somehow or other, the federal, of all places, was jammed. i wasn't really expecting it. i don't think that i'd ever been on the federal during a weekend at around i know how it feels. the good thing was, the congestion was going one way...the way back to kl didn't look bad at all. the bad thing was, when i was going back to kl, it was another case of massive congestion. not very fun, no.

i think i've mentioned the annoying people who travel slow on the fast lane...what about those who leave a massive amount of space between them and the car in front of them? especially if they're going incredibly slow on the fast lane as well. everyone from the middle lane cuts in front of them and they do nothing about it...but they don't budge. revolting. if you can't keep up, get out of the way. this might be my second time repeating this phrase...i'm not too sure. hmph. oh, well. traffic was bitching today...i seem to drive better when i'm not really thinking about driving. i'm not saying my attention increases by not paying attention at's just that i can drive better without really trying. it must've been the weather.

dammit, i'm hungry.


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