Wednesday, January 08, 2003


that's how we should be doing things. people say that we move fast enough in these times; i say we haven't quite gotten there yet. how do you rate how fast your life is moving? by the amount of work you get done? times flies in an instant. the more pressured you are, [obviously] the faster everything around you seems to be. we're always pressured; but we never break under it [those lucky enough, anyway]. time is just relative; there's so much you can do to it once you use it the way it's meant to be used. and once you've achieved your maximum efficiency, there's still always space for improvement. time management is essential. the faster you do things, the more time you have for yourself to do other things [or more time to do the same things in bigger helpings]. time. tick tock. like bombs, we are. which is why my desired mutant power would be to slow down time...with me being the only constant, of course. i'd live in virtual time, age instantly in real-time...just have a whole world on pause [or going at a very, very slow frame rate] all to myself.


that's how we should be driving. when you're going 90 [at least] with everyone else around you doing likewise, and all of a sudden there's someone [usually a woman] going 60 on the fast lane who's refusing to budge. it's nice to know that there're people who do value their lives to the extent of crawling, but driving slowly has an equal chance of causing accidents [and not to mention flaring tempers]. bitches. sunday drivers. they take it literally. they think that doing the right thing is always the right thing. holier-than-thou. indeed.


that's how i wish my brain would move sometimes. as in right now. now. now. dammit. doesn't work.


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