Sunday, February 23, 2003

though most people think that they're the products of overactive imaginations, comic books [and their characters] make for some of the best forms of reading. if you can afford them [which i can't quite...], they're quite worth your time. most of the characters started out as free-wheeling, happy-go-lucky people, but after the course of a good number of years, their characters have been fully formed through tight writing and intense storylines. yea, i know that i might be sounding like a bit of a rabid fanboy right now, but truth be told, who needs tragedies when you can find them in comic books?

most storywriters usually put their characters through a lot...let's take the x-men, for this case, colussus. to cut a long story short, he lost his brother, found him again and lost him again, he lost his sister, found her again, lost her again, found her again and ultimately lost her, switched loyalties for a brief period and then went back to the x-men and then made the ultimate sacrifice: he killed himself for the good of all mutantkind. now, it might not sound like much, but when you actually learn of what happened, you can't stop feeling for them. it might be far-fetched and ridiculous, but imagine yourself in their shoes. imagine what they have to go through.

by now, you probably think that i'm delusional or something. but honestly, comic characters are tragic.

the daredevil movie is really a farce. it's alright by some standards, but if you've ever been exposed to the comic, you know that the movie is ultimately too cartoonish. if a franchise is made out of it ala x-men, then...ouch. blind attorney matt murdock...defender of the people by day, costumed vigilante by night. blind, but not useless...he's been through a lot, from being blind to losing relatives to having his identity exposed to...well, trust me, daredevil stories are quite worth it because...well, they're different, and they make more sense. he's the practical hero, i guess.

i know, i know. they're still colour books meant for boys. maybe, but, if they are...they're pretty damn good colour books meant for boys. smart writing, well-rounded characters...what d'you have to lose?

next...more on the x-men [you could've seen that one coming].


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