Thursday, March 27, 2003

a car with air conditioning that doesn't work, that causes the windshield to fog up and, as a result, causes the visibility outside to be at probably 15%. bad for driving? you bet. good for me? possibly. under these conditions, a road trip made up of a simple plan to go somewhere was formed. easy, yes? from what started off as getting out of a rut turned into a 5 hour, RM 20, town hopping ride. we basically went through kajang, semenyih, and a variety of other places to [accidentally] see what it was like travelling by trunk roads, without the highway. we ended up in seremban where i had the best nasi lemak ayam so far [the chicken is doused in satay sauce...mmmmmmmm], and we came back by the highway, which was a fun experience in itself.

basically, wiping the windshield clear of mist was a challenge, but thanks to newspapers and tissue, we managed just fine.

oh, well. next week [hopefully]: penang.



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