my aunt's gone off for a holiday to thailand under the auspices of malaysia's rotary cell. she's left her car behind, with the keys. it's tempting, but my uncle won't touch it, and i think she'd run over me if i even tried. which is frustrating, seeing how much more fun it'd be to drive her wira than my own humble iswara [it's not even really mine to start off with]. it's a moral one [except my uncle, who wouldn't really be bothered] would know, and it'd be a helluva lot more conveniet for me to go to classes [such as today, which had a bitching business stats replacement class that i conveniently missed due to oversleeping]. missing the stats class was a dilemma as well. if i didn't go, i'd get some sleep, but obviously lose out on the lecture, as well as the tutorial questions, plus i'd probably have to ask someone for the questions, who'd probably feel bad coz they'd be providing me with junk that i could've gotten myself.
i couldn't care less. i asked someone for the questions and i got a copy. i guess sloth does pay off once in a while.
speaking of sloth, why are generally fat people hailed as ugly? the girl at the photocopying place today had arms as thin as sticks...i'd never really seen smaller arms before hers. most people want to go for the balance between kate moss-waif sized and roseanne's old hump before she made the stomach smaller. why is fat ugly? hell, what is ugly? why do we consider bulging hips [unless you're qualified in the upstairs and the legs departments] to be liabilities as compared to having no hips at all? cleopatra could've been fat, seeing how back then in egypt, fat was considered beautiful. what about today? what about the men? does that mean that fat people automatically go for relationships with other fat people because they believe that they can't find any other flounders in the sea? and when i say "fat", i mean fat...not just fat.
in the end, i guess it just goes down to what you think is the apple of your eye. i've met guys before who've thought that a bit of flesh was already a sin. i'd hate to know what women think, really. it'd probably scare the living bejeezus out of me. i'm already weighing in at a terribly unhealthy 80 kg++ [that should give you a rough estimate about my size]...and i'm not really slowing down, looking at the amount of coke i drink a day.
ignorance is bliss.
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