there's this case that was brought up in the papers today. it involved these two policemen who allegedly raped this 13 year old girl. i hope that it isn't true...otherwise, it'd just prove that you really can't trust the police anymore. when they're good, they're really good...but when they're bad, my god...anything's possible. i was raised and brought up to believe that the police were good...that they had the guns and used them because they did it to serve and to protect, to save me from robbers and hoodlums and the general scum of the city. now, things're probably different. despite having what scotland yard calls some of the best CIDs on the planet, we've still got incompetent officers, the ever-present traffic cop with the licky lips, and now, the rapists. it's not a new category, it's just probably been brought into more prominence. what's going on? it's just strange, isn't it? i just hope that it's not true. the lines being more blurred and blurred between the good guys and the bad guys, and i don't mean that in a
training day sense. the people shouldn't doubt those that they're meant to trust.
let's not even talk about the american police force.
they've got an agenda of their own.
you'd probably hail that justice has been served if they're found guilty, seeing who they are. but how many out there are just like them, serving in the "public" interest? jesus. hope that the line isn't that blurred. pray for it. it's just sick, now.
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