members of the x-men are mutants...those who gain powers or show some signs of powers that their parents didn't previously have. thus, they are feared and misunderstood, and so far, there's been a mutant registration act that's been passed...think about the muslim registration act in the united states and you've got about the same thing.
besides the mutant cause, most x-men characters have their own tales to tell. some live, some die [a few times, even] and some fall in love. others switch loyalties, or become power-mongers. it's all rather fantastic, yes, but it's a comic book. still, that doesn't mean that you don't have to take it seriously. i think that mutant powers and storylines are one part of the appeal that the x-men have; the fact that it tries to underscore understanding and acceptance as a guide to living should also be noticed.
i guess you can say that there's nothing wrong with loving thy neighbour.
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