Monday, April 14, 2003

spent the night at si wan's, not in that way. i was there with justin, rishen and chris...we had dinner in klang at this place called uncle joe's which was playing all these quasi-classic forgotten boyband/girlband hits from groups like girl thing, point break and...erm...classic nsync. the food there was okay, though we were thinking about hartz before that. well, not really...but anyway; the whole point was, it just goes to show you how incredibly fickle pop music can be. or how young impressionable teens can be...with a total lack of image consistency and a good marketing force behind you, you could become yesterday's news very, very quickly...and you'll not bounce back to the cover page for a while, if not ever again. where are those groups now? do we even care? it makes me wonder just what exactly a band [a proper rock 'n roll band] needs to stay? that's probably why the 80's were more fun...and those bands who survived that decade, they're still here as well.

anyway, si wan's house was fun. we just watched astro while her mom kept on asking her questions in cantonese which justin, chris and i probably understood. asking your daughter if she drove back, if we drove her, if we drove her back and anything else a parent could was quite fun. though i still wonder what the %%#@$ i was doing there. oh, well. got a rubber band off's going to be the return of the quasi-ponytail.

i haven't started the assignment yet. bother.


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