Sunday, April 06, 2003

where's daddy? no one seems to know. my mom called earlier in the evening, asking for him. upon hearing that he hadn't come back yet, she told me to call her when he did. as if. some people just don't get the point of having irritated sons. oh, well.

in total, i've sorta gotten four songs done...though one track has been described as "weed music", i think that basically classifies all the other songs quite well. from native american rhythmics, to a latin-tinged country ballad [or at least something that tries to be], i can't see how i'm going to lose. all i need is three good songs [which i don't have] and my not quite paradise ep can be released. once i get a cd burner and more friends.

the whole sars outbreak has got me in hysteria. for the last few days, i've been exhibiting at least one symptom per day. i've had a cough, cold, cough, cold, dry throat and diarrhoea [i can't spell the word since i don't use it much], all on separate days. it's been quite worrying, but so far, i'm still standing, and your humble narrator shall [hopefully] continue weaving his tales for you to read.

it's 4:40 in the morning now. i'd usually be recording weed music, but for now, i'll try to be normal and just sleep. roll over, beethoven...this dog is in the hay.


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