Saturday, May 24, 2003

i've been hanging out with elaine a few times this week. elaine's my ex-girlfriend, in theory...her life's gotten "interesting" these last few weeks, and the only person she can relate it all to is me, since i'm a total outsider now. i have to admit, the past does come out often from within, it's no biggie...there's nothing much you can do about it. i don't feel love towards her, probably just as friends...cliched but true. and even if i feel like crap around her, i shall continue to be her ever loyal dog. that's one way of putting it. for now. it's just left me wondering over something...if you think about it rationally, you simply don't (get over something). basically:-

1) their memory stays with you all the time
2) memories suck

if there was a way to get over someone totally in an exceptionally short amount of time, i guess that you could be called the saviour of teenyboppers everywhere. suggestions? hormones are a strange thing.

am i over her? i'd like to think so. everything's just a happy memory. that lasted a year. you can't have it all, i guess. memories aside, elaine's like an annoying (elder) little sister: leaves you broke, stranded, spoilt, and doesn't consider/have the slightest idea of what you're feeling. simply amazing, how i can say all this...all i can conclude is that i've found something much, much better.

but then, all this just underscores how unpredictable the game is. nothing is guaranteed to last forever, and if it was, we'd all be happy. (on a side note, it's disconcerting to see that i'm thinking like a 15 year old with issues...and i'm almost 20. bad.) you can't beat the power of emotions, controlled or overwise. you can only roll with the punches, etc....the force be with me. no doubt, i don't need it so far.


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