i was once a jesus freak. y'know; all for God and up for the rapture. in some ways, i still am. i'm still waiting for the rapture, and when it comes, i'm sure it's going to be good. i've always thought that in a way, only God can judge me, an overused phrase, but ultimately, an undeniable truth. there're people around me who act righteously but are probably not so good on the inside; finks, as some might consider them. that's my whole idea of what the institution of the church has become --- from a place of worship to a place where the majority of people converge like the finks they are. call it blasphemous, label it yellow, but i don't think i'm off to an extent. putting faith and pride together into a mix is a horrible thing to do, and y'know what, friend?...it's being done. and it'd always be done. we talk about how united a congregation should be, how it should be family...but cell groups sort of make that bad. they have their uses, but if competition is a common occurence [and more than often, it is], where does it go from there? sure, it can start off friendly and whathavenot, but it's going to grow to ridiculous proportions. no doubt about it.
this doesn't mean that we should be sceptical about everything. definitely, no. but when i think about religion [and cults, for that matter], i wonder if any of us have been blindly following something all along. sure, i understand that it's really the basic concept of faith and commitment in the first place, but if it can be applied to religion, i'm pretty sure that it can be applied to life in general. we never use our heads, just our hearts...and how much of that is true? funnily enough, i think all of it is true. we might've been told to look before we leap, but i'm pretty sure that all our best laid plans have just been that...best laid. is it right to be overzealous without looking at something properly? or is overzealousness just a common everyday occurence now among the faithful? bless them, because i guess they really know what they're doing. the difference between the hot and the cold are, the hot always want to spur the cold, while backsliders like me just...chill. for the better lack of any words.
i believe in God. it's the people that scare me.
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