Thursday, October 16, 2003

"stick to your guns"
i think war should take a holistic approach. our concept and perspective on war is that of inter/intra-nation based conflicts that involve weapons, soldiers, tanks and the like. i think we're basically looking at it in a narrow view. war is all around us. it's everywhere, and it plays a major part of our lives. the human body's fighting it's own war everyday, against the bacteria in the atmosphere that we walk around in, to the germs and potential killers inside of us due to the food we digest. the people around us are engaged in war, whether or not they know it. debates, bickering, quarrels, arguments, misunderstandings...the way that it's all carried out only attests to its classification of war-like occurences. this is the new kind of warfare, the warfare that we partake in, that we have no choice but to be involved in. this is unconventional urban warfare. and it's only going to spread until there's nothing that we can do about it. nothing but fight. when you wake up in the morning, the first thing you do is desire to sleep. that itself is a struggle. you fight technology when your car starts. you fight your colleagues at work when you submit proposals. you argue with your wife over spending. you play golf competively. you play football against neighbours for fun. you struggle against yourself in pursuing matters that may conflict with your own principles. it's all massive. it's everywhere. it can't hide. how many conflicts have you gotten into since waking up this morning? and how many conflicts are you going to be involved in after this? it's the same thing, every day. you can most certainly count in spiritual warfare. Good and Evil, God and Satan, doing the right thing as opposed to doing the wrong things, it's all there. and that brings it up to a whole new level, doesn't it?

funnily enough, i thought about all this when i thought about motor racing. the team that you're racing for is your castle. the vehicle that you drive/ride is your steed. your helmet is...well...your helmet. your team colours that you wear are your armour/flags. and the race course is your battle ground. and it's a war. the same can be said for the business world. the marketplace is your battle ground. your suit and tie, your armour. your instinct is imperative to survival. your office, your castle. usually, we go out and defend ourselves. but i think it's time to take up arms against our oppresors and fight. claim what lies beyond our boundaries. of course, the problem would be getting there in the first place, but once we're there, anything can be achieved. take up arms. fight them all. fuck the world. have you got what it takes? win the war around you. do it now.

this has been a crazy blog.


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