let's set the record straight. i am a michael jackson fan. not a fanatic, not one of those waving those "MICHAEL IS 200% INNOCENT" placards, no...but i've enjoyed his music in the past and bought his albums. yea, i know, giving them off to lydia for her 13th birthday [a full sweep --- i gave her my thriller and bad albums] wasn't really the wisest thing to do, now that i see it in hindsight, but i give youthful exuberence and lydia's cute face because of that. the point is, the man [if we still can call him that] has done great things with his music, and he rightfully does deserve to be called the king of pop [even if he's the one who self-styled himself to it].
i guess his world is falling apart around him. this morning i was reading the papers and i read that 1) he's being brainwashed by this islamic cult, 2) debbie rowe wants her kids back, 3) he's still in trouble with the law. poor guy [again, if we can still call him that]. not to mention that his greatest hits album hasn't exactly created waves.
though i think that history was cool.
so what we do now? a icon of a generation, revered and treasured as he is, is going down. are we looking onto him as a sacrificial lamb? are we apathetic towards all this? who knows?
i guess we'll just have to read on.
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