Sunday, June 20, 2004

"mr. 300"

ladies and gentlemen. this is a very momentous occasion. right now, you're reading funkyhippopotamus' 300th blog, amidst template changes and such. i'm damn sure that there're plenty other of blogs that've definitely passed the landmark, since i started very late in life...but i remember asking myself in the beginning how commited i'd really be to this whole blogging thing. then another question popped much of myself would i put into this? how personal would too personal become? and up til today, i've got no idea. but i guess that you can say that i've put a lot of myself into this, and in a strange way, it kind of shows. sorry for being pretentious, but come on...i'll only be celebrating for number 400, and that's a long way off.

it's not as if this thing is an online diary. yes, i am that ignorant.

so. a quick introduction. my name is foo hing to a dwindling select few, ian to others, and my father calls me "freeloader". i know not why. i'll be 21 in august, graduating in over a year. i'm a bum at heart. i like to write songs and sing them. and i want to go to brazil next week but there's only one thing stopping me...fate. not that i believe in it, but i thought that it'd sound cool. i'm deeply enamoured [more big words] with someone whom i've lost and who i desperately want back. in other words...i'm fighting against the very essence of life.

i'm so full of crap. but that's the way it feels, sometimes. it's like a paramount goal in life to get back the girl that got away. which, incidentally, also happens to be a title to one of my songs on acoustica 1, my very own acoustic recording there're currently 3 completed acoustica sets, and one is being done, but i'm planning to majorly re-record the newer stuff. i have a very bad pc [which isn't even mine!], and my recorded tracks are always jumping due to a jumpy hard drive.

there's a lot more than this, and this is most definitely me in a [bigger] nutshell. for those of you who've stuck around since...november, 2002 [very, very few of you], thank you for always being here to...spy. and for those who've just joined, or...if due to some unfortunate's your first time better come back.

one thing is, you never know just who or how many are looking. which really is the sad part. here's to another 300. and i promise that there will be no century-blogging commemorating. here's to another 300. coz it's such an awesome number.


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