Tuesday, June 15, 2004

"acoustica 4"

so. it's half past 4 and i've got a few potential clips on the hard drive. i've decided to close acoustica 3 and move on to 4...which should include redone versions of some 2 and 3 tracks...because i don't want to touch anything from 1. which was brilliant, to say the least. so...if all goes well...it'll be the return of overlapping vocals [high possibility] and full instrumentation [low probability]. so what've i come up with so far? well, life is easy when you're pining away...but i think you've got to move it up a notch and make it more fun and wordy, therefore people can find pleasure from your misery...not that you weren't already doing that, but i think i've managed to make pain fun. for tonight.

we have push me away, which [hopefully] should have overlapped vocals, ala too much....

i won't give in, which has the words 'imperfection' and 'introspection' (thank God for other peoples' blogs) in the quasi-chorus, which means that i've been doing a bit of thinking...

only you, the classic 'she's not my type but you are' song. rockish-country tai-style.

and then there's escape (working title), which basically is borderline mundane...but melodious. i swear.

it's all good, just because it's a quarter to 5 a.m. on a tuesday and i'm hungry.


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