Friday, March 24, 2006

arnold is my bitch.

i had a dream where i had written an article in the Star, which resulted in this massive backlash. i fought to clear my name somehow, since this involved a politician and investigative reporting gets frowned upon in kuala lumpur. for some strange reason, most of the drama took place in college...i was being chased upon, my friends all deserted was strange. was it a dream about alienation? who knows? i woke up once the problem resolved itself and got some ribena from the fridge. my father was still awake, watching a movie...that was about 20 to 4 in the morning.

i went back to sleep.

now this is where it gets interesting.

i don't have a lot of cameo appearances from celebrities in my's usually been limited to my friends and family. but just now i had arnold schwarzenegger. funnily enough, it started off with me alone on an espionage assignment in this ritzy hotel. i had to break into a particular hotel room which overlooked an interconnecting skybridge between the hotel's two towers some strange reason, after breaking into the room i was shopping with some girls, who then decided to follow me back to the hotel room on the opposite side since there was a war going on all around us. we were also followed by some dudes. i ditched them all and hooked up with arnie and we shot our way out of there, though i have to say, he was pretty fucking incompetent, breaking into the room rooms and all. in the end, i just simply woke up, and...sigh.

doesn she or doesn't she? why should i care?

if i could have dreams that help me sort out my own problems, that'd be more than brilliant.


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