Sunday, May 21, 2006

hey, you.

frozen poultry products can be hazardous. i cooked some pieces of spicy frozen chicken for yesterday's lunch. doused them around, let them sit and fry their asses off in the teflon pan for over half an hour while i watched james spader defending jeri ryan on the boston legal season finale (i had to give it another mention). the chickens looked ready. i took them out of the frying pan. they were (more or less) properly cooked and tasted good. all my failed experiments with frozen proto-chicken had come to a rewarding conclusion. i suppose that after months of trying, i'd found the secret behind cooking processed meats: patience.

patience is integral to survival. these days, in a world whose pace is quickening, where technology can get us what we need on the fly, we forget about what it's like to just sit down and chill the fuck out. ever gotten sick of seeing the world flying by you, and feeling unable to catch up? here's a hint...don't.

everything's bound to burn out soon. give it time. everything's going to fall apart, tearing at the seams. it's really a matter of time when the people around you hang themselves. what's the rush in dying? breathe a little easier. take your shoes off. loosen your tie. put your feet on the table. do some tai chi, and look at the beauty around you which is the world we live in. laugh at all the fools, who assume that they're onto better things in life.

i haven't seen the future. but i know that the future will open its arms to everyone, not only those who want to climb the ladder as quickly as possible. they'll never be open to what's around them. their single-tracked minds won't process anything more than objectives and key performance indicators. they won't know life...they won't know how to live.

do you feel that vibe? it's telling you to sit down and be at peace with yourself. the faster you find your inner icecube (and i'm not talking about the NWA), the faster you'll realize that this is one big farce and you've saved yourself from succumbing to the Great Con. life is for living, and we don't want to live it alone. so why should we force ourselves to do so?

i'm not asking you to hug a tree.

i'm not asking you to shake a stranger's hand.

i'm asking you to love yourself more because you're worth it.

and because you're worth it, i want you to end your cycle of pain. i want you to step out of the circle. i want you to stop being abused. i want you to stop feeling hurt. i want to free you. i want to rescue you. i wish i knew how. i wish i could wipe away your tears, to tell you it's alright. i wish i could be there for you. i wish that i could send my spirit to you. i wish that you could find the strength to run away from your fear. to run away from your pain.

and because you're worth it, i want you to get away from those who've hurt you. i want you to see for yourself that you, alone, can make things possible. you are responsible. you can be in control, if you let it happen.

and because you're worth it, you can do so much more. don't give up. don't give up on me, please. i'll never give up on you. i promise.

i love you.

we love you.

funny way to end a post that started with chicken, i know. only one way i can say this, really.

we're here for you, if you need us, always. if you need me. i wish you would.


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