Thursday, May 18, 2006

left, right, center.

is it our own doing that we're polarized into what camps we fall into...willingly? one wise man (on television) seemed to have it pinned down. granted, what he said was about america, but it could be applied to most countries around the world. as long as there's a majority, there's always going to be an opposition.

as lame as it is to quote a television character, this is alan shore:

"that's what troubles me, this notion that we have to take sides in this country're either "with us or against us", republican or state or blue state...

no one looks at an issue and struggles over the right position to take anymore...and yet our ability to reason is what makes us human...why do we seem so willing to forfeit that gift to reason in exchange for...the good feeling of belonging to a group?

we all just take the position of our team. i've certainly done it and hated myself for it."

can't we all just...get along?


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