Sunday, May 07, 2006

double up and run like hell.

was it the listerine?

i've had a dry cough for the last two days, although i'm not sounding like kelly jones quite yet (which i'd be grateful for). i'm asking myself what the point of trying to be the last performer for the night is if i'm even considering going up to sing in the first place; it's an irony of sorts. if i really was so timid i wouldn't be thinking of it. maybe i am timid. i've been called timid back in school, when mrs. nelson took my mother aside and told her that i wasn't prone to asking questions. despite it all, when teachers or lecturers state that it's alright to ask questions, even if they're stupid ones...would you really want to look like an idiot?

anyway, i still don't know what i'm going to be singing for tonight. judging from the atmosphere, i doubt that i can perform something that'll be too soft and drony. no ballads, or at least soppy ones. i've got a mind to cover gershwin's summertime, but even that sounds a bit too pretentious...not to mention the heckles i'll get if i screw it up.

one can only try. worst come to worst, i can pay a tribute to U2, although i think that these open mic types are adverse to the clutches of the mainstream.

these last few days have been relaxing. getting back to speed on torrented episodes, reading comics...i'm sinking back into that old familiar feeling again. even my father seems more relaxed...maybe it's because he knows the worst is over from the exam, and because he knows i'm bound to fail and there's nothing that he can do about it besides shipping me off to canada or taipei.

seriously, it's quite funny. we've come up with contingencies already. and something tells me that we're going to need them.

for those of you who weren't here, i posted an entry regarding myself as a failure after fucking up my accounting paper. i deleted that entry shortly after...not because i don't regard myself as a failure, but because it was done so uneloquently that it was inexcusable not to take it off.

you've still got to put some grit into your groove, baby. and my throat is still dry.

get that funky monkey off my back. i'm a hippo, for fuck's sake.



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