For a better PJ.
but, just to prove that i did the deed, for those unbelievers in you (it's an ego thing for me, i suppose).

anyhow. here's the message that i'd sent, unabridged.
My name is Tai Foo Hing, and I’m 23. I felt compelled to write you this letter when I read the article in the Star (“Termizi may be first mayor, says Dr Khir” – Metro, M4, Monday, June 12th 2006).
I state the following with all earnestness and sincerity.
Make me Petaling Jaya’s first mayor.
I am currently a student of
I have been President of my Business Council for over 1 and a half years, and I have vast experiences in terms of budgeting and, most importantly, willing to get my hands dirty to ensure the completion of tasks. I also like to think that I have empathy; an attribute that not so many people have in times like these. My father is a former Malaysian Ambassador (I can’t give you his name because he’d more than likely reprimand me for doing this), and my upbringing has reflected upon my personality. I believe that my unique insight into many matters makes me a valuable asset.
I know that being a Mayor is no tall order. But, no matter what position you’re in, you only need two things in order to be a good leader: initiative and vision (and maybe a steady flow of resources, but let’s just assume that the first two factors matter more).
I believe that I have both (the first two, not the last criterion). I am young, and although my views might be significantly more liberal than the current MPPJ (soon to be MPBJ) board, I am confident that I’ll be able to win the support of the people of Petaling Jaya.
At this stage, let me emphasize that I do not stay in PJ. I actually reside in Taman Seputeh, but that’s beside the point. I really do love Petaling Jaya, and if I were able to make it on my own, I’d most definitely purchase a residence there. In fact, I plan to when I’m older and much more financially stable. PJ is a fantastic place to raise a family in. It’s safe to say, I might die a happy old man there.
It’s a whole potpourri of cultures in PJ. Everyone lives in harmony. It’s not hard to see that PJ has grown and developed by leaps and bounds since its inception, and it’s hard not to imagine why it’s qualified for city status. PJ is a massive, self-sustaining area. In many ways, it’s already reached its saturation point..
Back to the crux of my message to you.
Sir, by placing emphasis of favour, or at least the impression of favour, upon the current president of the MPPJ to take the post of Mayor, certain parts of the public might view that you might quietly endorse the mismanagement of the MPPJ thus far. It’s been a controversial time, these last few months. The residents have been up in arms over what’s happened. The council is to provide for its ratepayers; their faith in the council has been tried, tested, stretched and abused. When it becomes a full-fledged city, will the Council still leave its citizens in the dark?
With a little over a week to go, it looks grim. You had so insightfully acknowledged that things at the MPPJ are less than peachy. I can understand the reasons for staying with the lesser of two evils. A new breed might be just as bad, if not worst. However, looking at the current state of things, how bad could it be?
Forgive me for the audacity of the statement on intent on my part of wanting to become Mayor. But if the current council and its head is kept intact, dare I say that any Tom, Dick or Harry can do a job just as good…or just as bad. If that’s the case, I would gladly offer my services to lead the efforts in helping to maintain and develop Petaling Jaya further.
I suggest that you let someone else, external from the MPPJ fray, take over. I’m not knowledgeable enough as to who might have the experience, but I do know that sometimes, a breath of fresh air is precisely that: a breath of fresh air. It’s time for a change, and only you can initiate it. I see no reason why you lack any vision. Selangor has done even better with you at the helm.
Help us out, Sir.
You might see me as another boisterous youth with a slightly disturbing sense of humour in sending you this message, and to an extent, you’d be correct. However, there is a real message here, nonetheless. There’re a lot of others like me, who fear that the community might be taken for a ride. And we’re all in Petaling Jaya.
Thank you for your time.
With deepest respect,
Yours sincerely,
Tai Foo Hing
-------------------------------------yeah, yeah. i know what you're thinking: i'm doing it for the attention.
and d'you know what?
you're probably right, to an extent. this is some way of gaining due notoriety. lord knows i've tried everything else.
but there is a point to the message. there is a truth to it.
is this in vain? we'll find out soon enough. but you can still make it happen. i'm not a messiah; but i know a thing or two about helping people out.
send an e-mail to datuk seri dr mohd khir toyo!
tell him you want PJ to change for the better. and if you can also mention my name there, too.
let's see where this takes us, yea?
Probable reply: "Kami tak paham Bahasa Penjajah. Segala urusan rasmi kerajaan hendaklah dalam Bahasa Martabat Bee Emm. Sekian."
ahahahahah....time will tell, man...time will definitely tell.
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