Saturday, July 22, 2006

think pink - steak, sotong, chicken, a bit of vodka and Captain Jack.

pinky and the brain.

pink is the new hog.

pretty lights. and although you can't see it, sizzling beef.

pretty lights again. sizzling beef. mmmmm.

honey on your meat?

lionel's a bit pink.

raymond wants to get pinker.

uh. can't caption this accordingly.

that's one happy khai lun.

if there was one person we bullied endlessly, it had to be carolyn. we mixed her novice mixing skills. and the fact that she was naturally high.

we crowded around her here...

i tried licking her here...

lionel and jason show me some manly love.


yep. phillipe's gonna kill us.
BBQs bring people together, as well as that old, reassuring shitfaced feeling. i don't drink, but i turned a bad shade of pink after sampling some of denise's "lemonade". to be honest, it really did taste like lemonade. yes, well, it was fun. i've never seen lionel so red before, and everyone had a good time playing drinking games whilst jeffrey and i took over the cooking duties for the second round of food. to be honest with you, holding out pieces of meat and slabbing on pieces onto a makeshift grill brought some self-fulfillment.

many thanks to khai lun for letting me into his home to almost cook his dogs.

(note: i've posted the photos where i don't look that fat in. since my dad came back, my size has ballooned again. the wanker.)
Pirates was a hoot. i mean that in a good way. go watch it, if you haven't yet. if you have, then i suppose it's justifiable of another viewing.


i think i reintroduced the joys of cinema-going to my father. either that, or i've subliminally sent the message that we should get a home theatre system. i swear, i saw a smile on his face, and i don't think it was the movie as much as it was the whole "experience". maybe i'm not giving him enough credit, but i'm pretty sure that he never went to the movies with the Evil Woman (yes, i've resorted to juvenile, girlish name-calling) in Brazil. leave it to his son to save him, like what Luke did for Darthy. mmm. me? as luke skywalker? why not? we both whine like little girls.

one unpredictable thing was how he summarized the first Pirates movie in a minute and asked about how Davy Jones fit into the whole thing, and why that other captain was back (uh-oh...i've spoilt it). amazing. i never knew he watched the first one. lord knows i've watched it twice and still can't remember jack from it...but of course, we all remember Jack from it. and there're genuine laugh-out loud moments.

oh, the heat!

oh...never mind.


Blogger limahpek said...

Did everyone enjoyed my marinate chicken and steaks?? i know sotong tasted bit weird la..

9:51 pm  
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