Monday, September 22, 2008

Bridesmaids, not brides.

People around me are dropping like swatted flies and getting hitched. It's making me uncomfortable, to a degree.

I have an unfounded fear that I'll be a living, breathing male version of Cathy by the time I'm 37.

The idealist in me would probably want to settle down and rock that domestic vibe, but at the same time, if marriage is one long, never-ending perpetual date, why don't we all just have one long, never-ending perpetual date?

Times have changed enough that the concept of a marriage is now more of a symbol than anything else; an excuse to throw one large, lavish Chinky dinner party full of 8 course meals, cover bands and cliched PowerPoint slides.

(Something that even I'll fall prey to, eventually.)

There's no doubt that I might be ruffling a few feathers here (and getting fewer invitations in the years ahead). And I really am happy for those who've taken/are taking/are going to take the proverbial plunge.

Maybe I'm just bitter that everyone around me seems to be moving on and making headway into their lives, while all I want to do is get stoked about clearing GTA IV at 100%.

Maybe I've lost sight about the point of it all.

Maybe it's because I've possibly permanently lost my own shot at some kind of happiness.

Maybe it's all of the above and more.

It's times like these that make me wish that I have a time travelling machine that runs on kerosene.

I'd use it, and save myself from myself.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.

11:36 am  

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