Wednesday, January 01, 2003

new year's eve. i always call it an excuse for people to go out and just...well, go out. but at the same time, i guess it's justified. how often do you see a year [literally] wither and die, in anticipation for a new one that's just around the corner for sure? nothing can be so certain in life than the revelry and the crowds flocking and thronging the streets on the eve. yesterday...last night...was no exception. i went to bangsar with the remnants of [sic] - gomes and sanjeev - and walked around. that was at about 9:30 ++...the place wasn't so flocked and crowded. we then proceeded to look for somewhere to be...always a hard one. people go to bangasr because they just...go to bangsar. it doesn't necessarily mean that they're going to some pub. they probably just hang around 7-11. which is what they do. we went to visit this place called voyeur, which apparently plays house and jungle, but we didn't quite fancy it at first. we then went to vintage, where my liver fell prey to a mug of tiger...and then we went to the mamaks, is the best counter to alcohol. i then parted company with [sic] to come home and...bum. yes. not much.

but it's a new year.

next: resolutions.


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