Sunday, December 22, 2002

mmm...hartz chicken buffet in sunway's sort of like a home away from home. i went there regularly...sort of...when i was in taylor's. since college was sorta close-by, it was a good pitstop. the rules are simple...RM 13.90 for adults, and for two hours, it's all you can eat. the chicken there is heavenly...and they have a salad bar and another place for side dishes and the like. and good iced lemon tea. not bad at all. i tried going there just now...but being a sunday, it's a bit foolish. went to mcd's instead. *sigh* i guess that i'll have my chance. hartz is a place where i can sit down with a friend or two and be philosophical...something that i can't really be in any other restaurants. special behaviour for a special place, i suppose. all in all, hartz is a good place to be.

my dreamcast seems to be my best friend. it doesn't talk back, obeys my commands and makes me happy and satisfied. though it seems that i never have the time to play with it. it's raining heavily outside pudgy frame is getting even pudgier due to the rain. no football. no kids on the field. no activity.

pudginess prevails. no fun.

all this talk about food is making me hungry. that sounds sad, but i can smell the scents of cooking oil upstairs. dammit. if only kl wasn't so crowded...ah, well.

all it ever does is rain.

well, fingers are tired. this is what i get for being inactive. it sucks.


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