Monday, May 26, 2003

ah, michael jackson. i've downloaded some songs off his dangerous album [namely who is it and jam], and it just brought me back to the time when i was just another student in garden international school, trying to find his place in life [and still doing so today]; that's a story for another day. this is've guessed it, michael jackson. i remember buying everything he released...whenever my dad would go to new york for the occasional diplomatic summit, i'd always ask him to get me some cds...there was always a particular list [and he'd seldom deliver...i should've lowered my expectations]. michael jackson used to be on all of them...i had it all, the excellent off the wall and thriller, bad and the underrated dangerous...these albums were brilliant, and despite being canned by critics [what do they know?], they were all good in their own right, they were tight, solid, and the best part an 11 year old, i didn't see them as that. i mean, geez, c'mon, i gave off the wall and thriller AND bad in one shot [along with a now 2 cd i wanted to get rid off] for lydia's 13th birthday [or was that 12th?...i had such a schoolboy crush on her...and for those who're thinking about blackmailing me, she knows], and i lent that f*cker kevin sharma my dangerous album and after...what, 6?...years, i still don't have it. and this is a guy who's driving a 3 series now, the hump. geez.

well, this basically serves as a three punch lesson:-

1) mj really IS the king of pop

2) don't give away your old cds just because you thought the artist was passe at the time or else you'd live to regret it

3) you tend to take things for granted when you're a kid [and still do so to a smaller extent the older you get]

after everything that's happened to the guy, from the so-called sex crimes, to his face, nose, skin, to the latest debacle over the [mis]management of his children, to his rebuttal, to the whole deal of him being broke now [i swear, if he really is, he only has to give/charge people a for guided tour of his neverland or just sell the damn amusement park off], i really do feel bad for the man...because people still don't understand the genius in him [though i never thought about getting blood on the dance floor or invincible], but i guess that's all in the past now. i just wish that people would leave the man alone...he's been through a lot in his life, and i just wish they'd stop ragging him.

why can't they just bully george dubbya instead? where's all the criticism levelled against him?

now that we all can say that jackson's a dishevelled mess, and that there's a possibility that his children might turn out slightly weird, we're probably still going to look at him and wonder. despite not having a hit album in what's definitely years, the man is still the king of pop...i tend to still think so. honestly, think about all the fledging new artists now, and the only person i can think of whom we might be able to compare him to with jackson would be justin timberlake...and that's not even a bit of what jackson is.

tough call, no? i don't care about what he's done, but in terms of music, michael jackson really has done something. and really, who didn't want to be him [pre-white]? i can remember asking my dad for a studded glove once, as well as the damn hat. ah, the things kids do.

and then i discovered rock.

well, my next blog is going to be about my favourite rock and roll hero. well, one of them...i guess i have to call elvis the king. mmm...50 years from now, in Heaven...the presley family reunion...elvis with lisa marie, guest-starring mj...sold out, even to us humble folks down here on earth. i'll be waiting.


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