Thursday, December 11, 2003

"the new paradigm"
donald rumsfeld: "we would be happy to capture them. we would be happy to have them surrender. and if they don't, we would be happy to kill them. and that's what's going on". (regarding a US attack against Taliban/Al-Quaeda suspects --- six children perished in the exchange by a collapsing wall).

donald rumsfield, fuck you. if the united states military got it right the first time round, you wouldn't be saying this in the first place. if you'd promised and delivered the total obliteration of any remaining opposing factions left over in afghanistan, i wouldn't be feeling all that angry. and if civilians (re: non-combatants) are involved, isn't there, lord, any sense that you and your people could at least get knocked into your skulls that it isn't exactly too hot an idea to go ahead with? do you even check for civilians?

and in the end, it's all collateral damage to you. i hope it weighs heavily on your conscience, despite whatever you say. i hope it does.


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