Saturday, February 05, 2005

Some Chinks Are Better Than Others.

I know that this is going to be another racial generalization, but I have the view that Malay people are a lot more accepting towards foreign cultures than the Chinese will ever be. Malay culture prides itself of humility and submission, as well as a true desire for learning (from the Islamic viewpoint). The Chinese, on the other hand, couldn’t care less about anything else other from themselves; this might be a good thing in certain circles, but at the same time, an isolationist approach to life isn’t how it should be lived. You can debate with me over this one, though. Anyway, the (lack of) acceptance of culture on the part of the Chinese can probably be caused by two things: either they don’t understand or they don’t wish to desire to.

I was screening American Idol at the Business Department, and a group of Chinks were taking a look at the New Orleans auditions. They were either laughing at the fact that a fat guy was showing the camera around New Orleans, or the fact that New Orleans didn’t look all that different from Melaka to them. Which, in fact, might be true, but granted one difference: New Orleans is French. Anyway, point in mind is that, if they were laughing at the place, why? I know a few people who’d look at Malaysia and laugh (I am in no way stating the New Orleans’ culture is as diverse as our own), but…why laugh? I don’t think it was the fat guy they were laughing at, really…which brings me to my second point.

The fat dude (I’ve forgotten his name, sorry) sang a rendition of Do You Know What It Means to Miss New Orleans?, which he did rather well…though I know a few people who wouldn’t think so. The Chinks didn’t get that it was a way for something to be sung. They assumed that he was out there to make an arse out of himself and laughed themselves silly…which, in a way, shows that they totally didn’t get it. Anyway, he more than passed the audition, and the Chinks were genuinely surprised that what he did was not only acceptable, but downright good.

Like I said, this might be a generalization here, but the chinky Chinks will never, ever, grasp the true essence of any culture apart from their own. And yes, maybe there really isn’t anything else besides Bengdom to care about, but I’m pretty sure that there’s a lot more going on than just being feng tau. Whatever that means.

This is one of the few instances in my life that I wish I was in Singapore. One of the few.

I know that I’m sounding condescending. I probably am. But, before we start celebrating the meaning of Chinahood with the upcoming Chinese New Year celebrations, I think we should all take time to reassess ourselves. Being Chinese once meant going the world over and exploring new horizons. Shouldn’t we still be doing that today? Do yourself a favour. Acquire some good taste.


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