Monday, April 25, 2005

Friendster Loop.

In a move of unparalleled silliness, and certain daftness, I’ve gone on and created a new blog. On Friendster, no less. It’s admittedly quite exhilarating, but I have no idea how long this love affair with the new blog will last. Fear not, for you won’t have to go there for anything new. In fact, most of the stuff here will be nicely pasted onto the blog at hand. Except that posts there will probably be a lot more random and sardonic than the usual Tai fare found here. On the bright side, the template is pink…something I’ve always wanted this blog to be, but never did in the fear that nobody would take me seriously. Though I doubt anyone does at this point. Pardon the self-consciousness, by the way…looking at my position, it’s not really that justified.

But for those of you who’d like to take a look at the new blog (there’s only one introductory posting as of now), the url is There you go.

And this might be another way of desperately trying to get more people to add me as their friends, but please click on that “Add as Friend” link to…add me as a friend. Because we all know that the number of “friends” we have on our networks contributes to the positive image of our social skills, and is a testament to our popularity. Of course.

The Friendster addiction is almost complete. Through the countless surveys that we see in our bulletin boards, to the whole blogging fiasco, Friendster might be one of the few sites that I actually spend a significant amount of time on.

That’s not good.


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