Danger!! High Voltage!! (Part One)

why...hello, Keong. your imbalanced man-boobs are BIG. mighty impressive. and check it out...do i see a hint of erect (yet mightily disproportionate) nipples? holy cow. my friends. mad, they are. this was taken at the university of sydney, in march of this year during the SUAMS orientation. i have no idea what he was thinking.
it's all good fun in australia.
more about the picture (tho lord knows why you'd be curious):
according to keong, his friend was trying to "prop" up his left "boob", due to it sagging. as a result, his friend molested him somewhat, and keong, in all his queer eye glory, slapped his friend and said in his gayest tone,
"hey...don't touch me!"
hey...true story.
6/12/2005 1:27:41 AM keong to ~Çã®tôôn-Çhêrÿll¡Çí?ü§s©™~ * : i was traumatised i tell you.. he fucking tried to push my left boob up from the bottom! i was very protective of my boobies
a pic says a thousand words! but these few lines we had in MSN says MORE!!;P
we know u love ur humongous BOOBies!!:P
hahaha....how wonderful it'd be if only u could have it forver n ever n ever n ever,eh!?;P
keOng is such a joker...
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