a slight change of plans saw me walking through the better parts of bangsar for an hour; gradual ascents, gentle descents and the one bangsar uphill stretch. who knew that pantai hill could be so fun? if the weather permits, wednesday will find me back on the home trail. it's good to tough it out; it's bad when you have trouble finding (healthy) food at 11 at night. i anticlimatically settled on a
large chicken foldover meal.
there's really nothing you can find that's reasonably healthy that isn't expensive opened in the late hours of the night. i can surmise that there's nothing that's reasonably healthy in the first place, short of home-cooked food that didn't
a) come from a can
b) come from a freezer and
c) wasn't prepared by me.
there've been a few plans that friends have suggested.
- a number of small meals spread throughout the day
- carbs for lunch and laying off them for dinner
- a meatless diet (fish, veggies and fruits only)
- the subway diet ($$$)
- eating proportionately less and exercising more
- not bothering about it and just living a little
youse pricks.
it's almost half past 4 as i'm typing this. a lot of time was spent at the masterful surprise's lair, along with wai mun and sazman, detailing a plan to either film the continuation of the saga of the infiltrator. i'll try posting up the video soon. looking back, i was really healthy-looking in the clip in comparison to my current condition. gotta bring it back. those were our super-indie filmaker moments. frantic camera work, vacant parking lots and skateboards equal to unparalleled celluloid magic. will do my best to get my hands on the original stuff.
i can't give serious lines with a straight face. i just can't. i can give serious lines, undoubtedly, as long as i'm not looking at anyone. i'd probably be the king of adr. but i'm definitely not an actor's actor.
not everyone can be jude law, darling. i'm sorry, but i tried my best for you.
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