make me sweat like a pig in heat.
Spell your name with bands/artists.
T - Tears for Fears
A - Aerosmith
I - Incubus
Name - (Ian) Tai Foo Hing
Birthdate - 04.08.83
Nickname - Foo, God, Starf*cker (no, seriously, there's an asterisk in it), Tai Foo, Boom Boom Kittyfuck
Current location - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Eye colour - Hazel
Hair colour - Black
Righty or lefty - Righty
Zodiac sign - Leo
Shoes you wore today - Adidas Superstars (I)
Your weakness - Long, straight hair. Cult movies (as in movies with cult followings and not movies about cults for you literalists out there). Video games.
Your fears - Death and baldness.
Your perfect pizza - Hawaiian.
Goal you'd like to achieve - Becoming a full-fledged, bona fide international rock star who skirts between credibility and sales, with a legion of fans worldwide who clamour for each new release and won't stop lapping them up. The fools.
Your best physical feature - My fingers.
Your bedtime - 2 a.m. to 3 a.m.
Most missed memory - Sabrina's A/V room all those years ago.
Pepsi or coke - Coke.
Mcdonalds or Burger King - McD's.
Nike or Adidas - Adidas.
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea - Lipton.
Chocolate or Vanilla - Vanilla.
Cappucino or Coffee - Coffee.
Smoke - Yes.
Curse - Yes.
Sing - Very well.
Take a shower everyday - A hot one, nonetheless.
Have a crush - More like a deep infatuation.
Do you think you've been in love - Yes.
Want to go college - I wish I was in Berkley.
Like high school - Not really.
Want to get married - What would Uncle Charlie do?
Believe in yourself - Nope.
Get motion sickness - Nope.
Think you're a health freak - Nope.
Get along with your parents - Nope.
Play an instrument - Guitar, drums, piano, bass, recorder, organ, keyboards, chello, triangle, bongos, congas, maracas, shaker, and the ever-loving, blue eyed whistle.
In the past month...
Drank alcohol - Nope.
Done a drug - Nope.
Gone to a mall - Yes.
Eaten an entire box of Oreos - Yes.
Eaten Sushi - Nope.
Been on stage - Yes.
Been dumped - Nope.
Gone skating - Nope.
Made homemade cookies - Nope.
Gone Skinny Dipping - Nope.
Dyed your hair - Nope.
Stolen anything - Nope.
Played a game that required removal of clothing - Nope. Wait. Uh. Yes.
Been trashed or extremely intoxicated - By caiprinha, the world's safest drink.
Been called a tease - Nope.
Been beaten up - Yup.
Age you hope to be married - It was 27 but now it's probably around 35.
Numbers and Names of Children - 2. Luke and Leia. Mork and Mindy (inter-species incest). Jacen and Jaina.
Describe your Dream Wedding - Shotgun wedding in Vegas with an Elvis impersonator. There'd also be a fountain and a topless fat woman would wear a halo and play the harp.
Where you want to go to college - Berkley.
What place would you most like to visit - New York.
In the opposite sex..
Best eye color - Grey.
Best hair color - Brown.
Short hair or long hair - Long.
Height - 162 cm (and just to add on: B:88cm, W:58cm, H:86cm)
Best weight - unknown.
Best articles of clothing - Pyjamas.
just to rub it in to all you losers (i'm proud of my efforts), she'd look a little like this.

Number of people I could trust with my life - 1.
Number of CDs that I own - 300+
Number of piercings - formerly 2.
Number of tattoos - None.
Number of cars your family owns - 3. or 4.
in truth? right now i'm quite happy where i am. alone. miserable. pining. and all that jazz. you're in my mind, all the time...i know that's not enough. sadly, bono was right. he knew what he was talking about.
the leprechaun.
sometimes, those times where i'm sitting there, hunched, with my face staring down at the floor can be the most fulfilling highlights of my day.
- a break from an otherwise sombre 3 hour lecture with a man who think's he's God's Gift To Man
- waiting for a bus while having nothing to do
- planning an exit strategy from an inevitable fate
- looking cool hoping that someone would notice
- hoping that a smoker girl would ask for a light
and don't forget to flush. i'm watching you. charlie, out.
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