the recent reinstation of the two suspended mca representatives for penang has really struck a chord with me. firstly, it's shown that the mca can only be as united as it can be during a witchunt; secondly, that the presence of big brother is always going to be there, due to the fact that the voices of dissention didn't get along with the majority. if we consider it, it's not really a big deal...they didn't agree with the majority, so they suffered. but think of this...these two are elected representatives, and due to them being elected, you'd at least gather as much that the people who put them there must somehow agree with the views that they had reserved for the entire motion of planning to slow down the construction of the subject.
it's just another day in the life of malaysian politics. everything's a joke, really. sick? i guess so.
the mca is full of faggots. quote me on that.
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