Monday, April 25, 2005

Spoilers Herein.

I’m a big fan of spoilers. Maybe it’s in my nature to always turn to the last page of the novel to find out what happens in the conclusion, and then eventually work my way to the end. I have this belief that it’s a lot more fun knowing what happens in the end and then witnessing all the events that lead to that point in time (remember Memento?). But sometimes, just sometimes, you read some spoilers that screw with your head that you walk away with a numbing mindfuck knowing that everything or nothing could be true. The same can be said for the spoilers for The O.C. that I’ve seen. I’m obviously not going to reveal anything here, because for starters, I don’t like being an authority on something that hasn’t even been revealed yet, and secondly, that’d just spoil the fun.

The O.C. has been brilliant. It’s one of those shows that’re so glossy, you can’t put them down. Production values are high, the music is good, the people are beautiful, and the show has some warmth to it, in a way. The dialogue is quick and witty, while there are cringe inducing moments. I suppose that what we see on television is what we want for ourselves, and The O.C. represents that fully. I wouldn’t mind living in a mansion by the sea with a Range Rover and a BMW in the driveway. With an ex-girlfriend who's the hottest girl ever in high school history. In a school with a penchant for hosting great events. It is the life that we’re all missing out on. Except for the real people who live those lives. They’d probably say that it’s not all that exciting. I suppose that once you get used to something…

Tuesdays are God’s way of telling us that we survived Monday. I don’t feel like going to college today, and maybe I can sort of just laze my way around the house while finishing off on my Relationship Marketing assignment. Sleep is good, I suppose.

Right now I’m craving for a burger. I have to fight the urges. Must resist temptation. Besides, it’s midnight and I’ve got no money in my wallet and going out to withdraw money from an ATM just to have a value meal doesn’t sound all that worth it. Even though the ATMs aren’t operational anymore. I don’t understand it…they’re left functioning for 24/7, but we can’t withdraw money from 12 a.m. to 6 a.m. Unbelievable.

I can almost taste the McDeluxe. Not good. Fight the urge.


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