let me be straight: i support england and i thought that brazil would be a fun team to support because...it's
brazil. to the former, i hold england in high regard simply because they're english, while for the latter, i dream(t) of a bygone era of phenomenal football, fluidity and samba. i also hate thierry henry, not because he's black, but because he's thierry henry. i also hold zidane in high esteem. and i absolutely hate cristiano ronaldo. i
hate him. i believe that ferguson has misplaced his trust in him, which has led to van nistelrooy's banishment from old trafford. not that i like man utd that much, but i do think that van
is the Man.
so. england. can't say much. losing in penalties is never a good thing, but they've been only lucky throughout this competition. i really wanted them to win. oh, well. seeing beckham cry brought me to tears, seriously.

brazil. joga bonito hasn't reared it's beautiful head enough during these finals. i really wanted them to win. yes.

henry may have scored, but it's really zidane who should take the cake. i love (the) cock.
as in the cock of the french emblem, you fucking wankers.
when it comes between france and brazil, i'd really side for france. i remember way back in the '98 final: i was rooting for france coz brazil had won it too many times. and coz france had that homeground, feel-good factor. not to mention that i thought zidane was a
8 years later (eight! times
does fly), i'm quite sad seeing brazil go, but i'm quite happy seeing france through.
friday night's Ball. hmmm. i'm not going to comment on it coz i have mixed emotions. and i won't post any photos up. if you're genuinely interested, i'll post all the photos i have on the Council's online album for you to take a look at what my camera has. and i can't be bothered to post photos here simply because i'm not in any of them. oh, well.
it's been an exciting weekend.
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