Thursday, February 22, 2007

Who wants to nab Abner Jenkins?

Show me the last guileless girl alive, and I'll give you a million bucks. Show me the last semi-guileless girl alive, and I'll give you half a million. Throw a rock in the air, and it won't land on either of these classifications of the 'softer' gender...simply because they don't exist.

I don't believe that any woman ever has a man's best interests at heart. Ever. Somehow, even the best of intentions are thrown into a strange tangent, giving totally unexpected results. Everybody's selfish. Everybody's trying to look good.

Especially them. We might moan and groan about how we can't live with them/without them, but, Godwilling, it seems inevitable to believe in them simply because they will it off you.

Everyone's fake. It's just that women seem to need to be that way much more desperately than men do, whether it's to prove a point or to hammer the last nail into the coffin.

Wily vixens vividly vex. Always.



Blogger D J said...

maybe u should start killing US. who might be the world's superhero for bringing the male & female population to a balance.

10:13 am  
Blogger funkyhippopotamus said...

nah, i'll just complain about girls. my whole life. sigh.

4:41 pm  

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