Thursday, March 01, 2007

Wipe that smug look off your face, young man.

I'm pressed for time because I've got to send my father to KL Sentral, so here's a list.
  1. My father will be in Tokyo and Taiwan for three weeks, which, of course, might naturally be prolonged to a month.
  2. May Ann's leaving on Friday night, and not on Saturday night as previously surmised. I will, however, be going to Paolo's gig...because KLIA's really far, the music should be alright, I'm a good mate, I like pins that come with a RM 12 cover charge, and I want my Jamiroquai DVD and Beatles' tracks. (Not to mention the fact that I'm petrified of her father; old men who're significantly taller than me freak me out.)
  3. In relation to #2, I really do love my girlfriend.
  4. I've passed International Business Management...with a Pass. A mediocre performance, but I couldn't care less. Three more subjects left before I'm let out into The Wild.
  5. Both my cars are fully loaded with fuel.
  6. I'm worried that I'll talk to my children as if they're perpetually 7 years old. Even when they're 25.
  7. I like Ribena.
  8. If I push hard enough, I might get a Wii.
  9. Lists are redundant.
  10. I'd do Helen Mirren. As she is now.



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