the second night of filming. wai mun and justin felt that the "savage" fight scene from yesterday wasn't up to par, and looking at the footage, we had to agree. sandeep's condominium served as a location: there was a vacant level at the residents' carpark with great lighting. lots of it. the fight scene was rechoreographed and improvised upon heavily.
and then the rain came.
this would usually have been a disadvantage but, lo and behold, fighting in the rain made it a lot more dramatic (the top level of the carpark was serendipitiously semi-covered). fortune smiled upon Her favourite sons.
we'll probably have to do a load of adr once everything is wrapped. the first half of my scenes have been finished. i'll probably be back within the next two weeks to record my more travolta moments. i'll hopefully look a
little bit fitter than i do in the stills below by then. ugh. i am the superpudgyinfiltrator. still gotta get my hands on the original to show the difference between me now, and the me from two years ago.
not to worry, kids. nigel's shots are up on schedule next and he
really is a lean, mean, spying machine.
i'd make a more believable fat triad member than a superspy. i wish i had a neck and half a chin.
getting cosy.
a costume. amazing.a confession? i really want to lose weight so that i can get my neck back. just to illustrate a point:
this was me 2 years ago.
i gotta bring it back, bitches. and with your help, i can.
i spent the day studying for friday's statistics midterm. the afternoon was spent following ruby, farah and G to midvalley. lingerie shopping, ladies' boxers, coffee and kfc. unhealthy. i've made a promise to myself to walk for a longer period of time tomorrow to make up for the evil deeds for the last two days. it's almost dawn as i'm typing this now. i've got to collect food from my mother when she comes over at 8. and then i can sleep. i'm still trying to sort out where the studying comes in, but i suppose i can squeeze in a cram session on friday itself, prior to the test.
another long day clocked in.
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