Thursday, November 09, 2006

The redundant manwhore.

Where do you draw the line between being caring and being possessive? I don't know if this is a common thing amongst guys, but from what I've seen and from what I've been told, I worry too much to a point where it becomes obsessive.

Does it have to do with my old-school values? As modern as we like to think ourselves to be, there're still certain inhibitions or (dare I say) values that we keep. I've been known to be a great chauvinist; but there're a lot of things that I don't like to see women (particularly my own) doing. Fantastic. The feminists among you are probably going to flip after reading the parenthesis in the sentence before this.

But let me ask you this...well, let me ask the ladies this...doesn't it feel good when a guy really does his best to look out for you? I mean, yes, it might look like he's cramping your style, it's probably utterly embarassing in front of your friends and the two of you will probably be the subject of inane gossip, but the truth is, despite your cries of independence! independence! and I can do what i want!, it flatters you to know that your guy does go out on a limb to show some concern. Unlike most of the other guys out there who don't.

The ones who tend to worry never get the credit and tend to be seen as a nuisance, simply because girls take the high road and have this preconceived notion that they automatically know better. It happens so much that a guy might have to just come to terms with the truth: if he isn't needed, she might as well be in love with herself. I mean, sure, it's great to be needed for certain physical pleasures, but there's nothing better for a man than a girl who needs his protection. In whatever way possible.

Can you at least feign to be a damsel in distress?

It keeps the self-confidence up. It assures us that we're not so useless.

And that you stupid bitches aren't so smart.

But, seriously, jokes aside; between women thinking that they know better and men thinking that they should have a say in what the women know, there's got to be some sort of middle ground that can be reached.

I think guys don't mind taking up some sort of responsibility when it comes to who they care about, no? I mean, it's in the job profile...otherwise we'd be redundant.

I wish more of you would make more effort to make your men feel useful. Sometimes, just sometimes, we need you more than you think.

Fucking wenches. Think they rule the world and all.

I'm kidding.


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