Friday, March 04, 2005

starting from zero.

for some unknown reason, i've deleted all saved games off my ps2 memory card. i'm in that sort of mood where i just want to finish one game, but to do that, i've got to somehow start from zero and work my way up. this has got more to do with my catalogue of games [i admit that i've got quite a few], and how to clear them. anybody want some games for sale? please? contact me.

anyway, it's been an exhausting week. i've been in college for all five days for a variety of different reasons. the last two days have been interesting...on wednesday, my aunt refused to pay a cheque for my tuition fees...yesterday, she refused to lend her signature to a form that would extend my payment date...and this morning, at 4, my father called up telling her to help pay for the fees temporarily. this was after two very long and whiney e-mail messages, by the way.

i'm a born whiner. that's all i do these days.

i've announced to the world that tomorrow's a rest day because i've been in college this whole week. what i'm really going to do tomorrow is to clear out Ops and try to sleep in my designated bedroom. which does really need a makeover of sorts. i might just move my ps2 back to its original place, as opposed to next to the pc. it does get a bit annoying. we'll see.

spring cleaning. again. whoopee.


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